TIMSS 2019 International Results in
Mathematics and Science

Mathematics Grade 4

Average Mathematics Achievement

Trends in Average Achievement by Gender

For the TIMSS 2019 countries with comparable data from previous TIMSS assessments, Exhibit 1.6 contains graphs of average mathematics achievement across assessments by gender. The countries are presented in alphabetical order. The difference in average mathematics achievement between boys and girls has remained relatively stable in most countries, with any overall increases or decreases in achievement from assessment to assessment occurring similarly for both girls and boys. However, a number of countries with no gender gap in TIMSS 2015 had a gap favoring boys in TIMSS 2019, including Chile, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Russian Federation, Singapore, Sweden, and the United Arab Emirates. On a more positive note, the gender gap in average achievement favoring boys in TIMSS 2015 was closed in Chinese Taipei, England, and Hong Kong SAR, while the gap favoring girls was closed in Bahrain, Finland, and Kuwait.