TIMSS 2019 International Results in
Mathematics and Science

Teacher Preparation, Professional Development, and Job Satisfaction

Teachers’ Participation in Professional Development

Teachers’ Participation in Professional Development

Exhibits 9.13, 9.14, 9.15, and 9.16 present, for fourth grade mathematics and science and eighth grade mathematics and science, respectively, teachers’ reports about their participation in professional development during the last two years. Mathematics teachers in both grades were asked whether they had participated in professional development in the following areas: mathematics content, mathematics pedagogy/instruction, mathematics curriculum, integrating technology into mathematics instruction, improving students’ critical thinking or problem solving skills, mathematics assessment, and addressing individual students’ needs. Science teachers in both grades were asked about the same areas, though specific to science instead of mathematics, including asking about professional development related to students’ critical thinking and inquiry skills rather than problem solving skills. Teachers of fourth grade science were also asked about professional development related to integrating science with other subjects.

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Mathematics Grade 4Science Grade 4Mathematics Grade 8Science Grade 8