Exhibit 4.8 presents the percentage of students reaching each TIMSS 2019 International Benchmark. The results are presented in descending order according to the percentage of students reaching the Advanced International Benchmark and are indicated in the graph with black dots. Because students who reached the Advanced Benchmark also reached the other benchmarks, the percentages illustrated in the exhibit and shown in the columns to the right are cumulative.
Consistent with Singapore being the highest performing country, nearly half of their eighth grade students (48%) reached the Advanced International Benchmark. The next highest percentages reaching the Advanced level were in Chinese Taipei (29%), Japan (22%), and Korea (22%). Twelve countries had 10 to 16 percent, and the rest of the countries had fewer than 10 percent of their eighth grade students reaching the Advanced International Benchmark.
As a point of reference, Exhibit 4.8 provides the international median percentage of students reaching each benchmark at the bottom of the four right-hand columns. By definition, half the countries have a percentage in that column above the median and half below the median. The median percentages of students reaching the International Benchmarks were as follows: Advanced—7 percent, High—29 percent, Intermediate—61 percent, and Low—85 percent. The Low International Benchmark can be considered a level of minimum proficiency, with Japan (99%) and Singapore (98%) having nearly all of their students reaching this level.
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