Exhibit 1.13 presents the description of fourth grade performance at the Advanced International Benchmark. Students reaching the Advanced level demonstrated a solid conceptual understanding of many of the topics in the framework.
Exhibit 1.13.1 shows a multi-part item from the number content domain that required reasoning with odd numbers and multiples. To receive full credit (2 points), students needed to provide two different correct answers. This item was very difficult, with an international average of 24 percent of students receiving full credit. More than half of the Singaporean fourth grade students (55%) received full credit.
Exhibit 1.13.2 shows a multi-part item from the measurement and geometry domain. Students were required to cover the area of a square with three different two-dimensional shapes to receive full credit (2 points). On average, only 21 percent of students received full credit. More than half the fourth grade students received full credit in Korea and Hong Kong SAR (53–54%).
Exhibit 1.13.3 shows another multi-part item from the measurement and geometry domain. Students were asked to visualize the number of faces making up three different three-dimensional shapes. On average, 27 percent of students received full credit.
The last example item illustrating the Advanced benchmark asked students to label the y-axis of a bar graph based on tabular data (Exhibit 1.13.4). Internationally, on average, about one-third of the fourth grade students (34%) were able to accomplish this task. Eighty percent or more answered correctly in Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong SAR.
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